Free Netlix India Account | 100% Working trick in 2018

Netflix is an American media content provider who has an awesome collection of movies and tv shows new as well as old, not just US-based show they also have a collection of few cool Indian shows such as sacred games which is Netflix produced show hence exclusive to Netflix only and nor available to any other provider
But Netflix account can get a little costly running at COST especially for Indians when its competitor  Amazon is running 129Rs Monthly or 999rs Yearly as you can see in the Netflix pricing chart the cheapest we can get it for a single user is COST which is still high
But the good thing with Netflix in India is that they are providing a free Netflix trial period of 1 month, yes a whole free month of access to its content for free and you won’t even be charged a dime for it if you will cancel your subscription before the trail ends let’s see how we can register for Netflix free trial

Step 1: Go  to LINK and click on register
netflix home site

Step 2: Click on premium and continue
netflix plans page
Step 3: Click on create an account and enter the details
netflixs registration page
Step 4: Click on setup payment
netflix payment page
Step 5: Enter your card details
And voila you got yourself a free Netflix account

Incase you don’t have a debit or credit card you can use the e-wallets to get a card for free and use it on Netflix for free
1.Paytm Virtual Card
paytm vrtual card registration
2.Pokets By ICICI
Pokets homepage for vcc
3.Kotak 811 (addhar and pan required)
kotak online bank account page
4.Axis ASAP (addhaar and pan required)
axis asap bank account opening for netflix
5.Oxigen Wallet 
oxigen prepaid card for netflix


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